UX Bootcamp for Fannie Mae employees

An enterprise-level UX training for developers and product owners to drive collaboration.



Fannie Mae




  • Design Education

  • Facilitation

  • Instructional Design

  • Curriculum Development




The Customer Experience Design team at Fannie Mae was responsible for solving a wide range of challenges across the enterprise using human-centered design methods. In late 2020 were approached by key stakeholders from another department in the organization wanting to learn more about our design system and how we used it to create better user experiences. This department was one of our largest partners at the time and we knew that this Bootcamp would be an opportunity to encourage cross-departmental collaboration.


Our team’s primary objective was for participants to leave with a newfound understanding of user experience design and how to incorporate UX work into their project lifecycle.

We also hoped to achieve three other objectives in the process:

  1. Familiarize our colleagues with CXD and the full breadth of the work our team did.

  2. Promote the use of Blueprint, the design system that CXD developed for Fannie Mae.

  3. Introduce our colleagues to InVision app since our team planned to roll-out Blueprint using Invision’s Design System Manager.

My Role


As the lead instructor, I was responsible for creating the lesson plan and materials as well as delivering the workshop and facilitating activities. The team consisted of our design director, our design system manager, and a content strategist.



Bootcamp participants

The audience consisted mostly of software engineers with some product managers/product owners, analysts, and other roles – all eager to learn more about the basics of UX.

“I was impressed with how well you were able to do a “participatory” training 100% online! It was also a nice overview of UX, starting at the very beginning with total user experience, user research, then let us develop a real prototype with In-vision. I think people got a lot out of it.”

– Senior Systems Analyst




We offered the Bootcamp 3 times within a span of two months making incremental improvements after each one. We received really positive feedback after each one with a consistently high net promoter score (NPS).


I planned and led retrospectives after each instance so that our team could learn what was working well and what needed to be adjusted.

Big Wins


Delivered training to:

70 people

across 2 divisions

Highly-rated experience:

87 NPS

(above 50 is deemed excellent)

Increased level of understanding of UX by:


When asked how likely they are to use what they learned in their current role:


(1 = not likely at all, 5 = highly likely)

“This training will help teams proactively think about user experience and accessibility early in the development process. We hope to see significant improvement in collaboration among teams as a result of this shared knowledge.”

— Zeba Durrani, Director of Technology


The Lane: Brand Identity


Piccolina: Brand Identity